Search Results 4 items were found.

Keywords: Chebeague sloops

  1. Item 19329
    Hamilton Landing, Chebeague Island, ca. 1910
    Hamilton Landing, Chebeague Island, ca. 1910
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: circa 1910
    Location: Cumberland
    Media: Postcard
  2. Item 102280
    Advertisement for rental of the steam yacht "Mizpah," Yarmouth, ca. 1900
    Advertisement for rental of the steam yacht "Mizpah," Yarmouth, ca. 1900
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: circa 1900
    Location: Yarmouth; Chebeague Island
    Media: Ink on paper
  3. Item 148214
    Portland Breakwater and Bug Light, South Portland, 1887
    Portland Breakwater and Bug Light, South Portland, 1887
    Contributed by: City of Portland - Planning & Development
    Date: 1887-09-05
    Location: South Portland
    Media: Photographic print
  4. Item 22381
    Schooner "M.M. Hamilton," Portland, 1926
    Schooner "M.M. Hamilton," Portland, 1926
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
    Date: circa 1925
    Location: Portland
    Media: Glass Negative