Search Results 160 items were found.
Keywords: Punishment
- Item 7861
- Admirals Cervera and Carpenter, Kittery, 1898
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: 1898
- Location: Kittery; Portsmouth
- Media: Photoprint
- Item 11542
- Annapolis, Kittery Navy Yard, 1898
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: 1898-09-11
- Location: Kittery; Portsmouth
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 11575
- Spanish prisoners, Kittery Navy Yard, 1898
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: 1898
- Location: Kittery; Portsmouth
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 11576
- Prisoners of war, Kittery Navy Yard, 1898
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: 1898
- Location: Kittery; Portsmouth
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 11580
- Mess Hall, Fort Long, 1898
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: 1898
- Location: Kittery; Portsmouth
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 11586
- American officers, Kittery Navy Yard, 1898
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: 1898
- Location: Kittery; Portsmouth
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 14415
- Living room, State School for Boys, ca. 1880
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: circa 1880
- Location: South Portland
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 14557
- Confiscated liquor bottles, Portland, 1927
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
- Date: 1927
- Location: Portland
- Media: Glass Negative
- Item 15776
- Ransford W. Shaw, Houlton, ca. 1940
- Contributed by: Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum
- Date: circa 1940
- Location: Houlton
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 16099
- Overindulgence post card, 1938
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: 1938
- Location: Old Orchard Beach
- Media: Postcard
- Item 16407
- Ransford W. Shaw House, Houlton, ca. 1900
- Contributed by: Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum
- Date: circa 1900
- Location: Houlton
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 20923
- Sketch of Dartmoor Prison, 1815
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: 1815
- Location: Princeton
- Media: Ink, watercolor on paper
- Item 22435
- Judge Max Pinansky and Family, ca. 1937
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: circa 1937
- Location: Alfred; Portland
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 30898
- Southgate Mansion, Scarborough, ca. 1900
- Contributed by: Scarborough Historical Society & Museum
- Date: circa 1900
- Location: Scarborough
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 40270
- John David Clifford Jr., Lewiston, ca. 1940
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: circa 1940
- Location: Lewiston
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 40272
- Clarence Hale, Portland, ca. 1910
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: circa 1910
- Location: Portland
- Media: Ink on paper
- Item 49363
- Peleg Whitman Chandler, Boston, ca. 1841
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: circa 1841
- Location: Boston
- Media: Daguerreotype
- Item 58336
- Frederick Mellen, ca. 1834
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: circa 1834
- Location: Portland
- Media: Oil
- Item 102842
- Remarks on board the Julia E. Arey, 1860
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: 1860-11-05
- Location: Thomaston; Jefferson
- Media: Ink on paper
- Item 152247
- Advertisement for a Special Edition of "Rhodes’ Journal" on the Dexter Bank Robbery, 1878
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: 1878
- Location: Dexter
- Media: Ink on paper
- Item 53174
- Good Will Farm, Fairfield, ca. 1925
- Contributed by: L.C. Bates Museum / Good Will-Hinckley Homes
- Date: circa 1925
- Location: Fairfield
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 6787
- Max Pinansky at funeral, Portland, ca. 1920
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
- Date: 1927
- Media: Glass Negative
- Item 6823
- Irving Pinansky Bar Mitzvah portrait, Portland, 1929
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
- Date: 1927
- Location: Portland
- Media: Glass Negative
- Item 9456
- David Dunn, Mechanic Falls, ca. 1890
- Contributed by: Stanley Museum
- Date: circa 1890
- Location: Mechanic Falls
- Media: Photographic print