Search Results 160 items were found.

Keywords: Punishment

  1. Item 103938
    Street scene during Kirby manhunt, Winthrop, 1925
    Street scene during Kirby manhunt, Winthrop, 1925
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
    Date: 1925-05-21
    Location: Winthrop
    Media: Glass Negative
  2. Item 103939
    Harry A. Kirby in front of his cell, Augusta, 1925
    Harry A. Kirby in front of his cell, Augusta, 1925
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
    Date: 1925-05-26
    Location: Augusta
    Media: Glass Negative
  3. Item 104680
    Donald Stanley and Arthur Butts arrest, 1936
    Donald Stanley and Arthur Butts arrest, 1936
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
    Date: 1936-10-21
    Media: Glass Negative
  4. Item 104933
    Accused murderer Benjamin Turner exiting courtroom, Portland, 1926
    Accused murderer Benjamin Turner exiting courtroom, Portland, 1926
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
    Date: 1926
    Location: Portland
    Media: glass plate negative
  5. Item 104939
    Superior Court Jury in Benjamin H. Turner Murder Case, Portland, 1927
    Superior Court Jury in Benjamin H. Turner Murder Case, Portland, 1927
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
    Date: 1927-02-08
    Location: Portland
    Media: Glass negative
  6. Item 104940
    Benjamin Turner, convicted murderer of James Hallen, Portland, ca. 1926
    Benjamin Turner, convicted murderer of James Hallen, Portland, ca. 1926
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
    Date: 1926
    Location: Portland
    Media: glass plate negative
  7. Item 104941
    Turner case jury foreman Gladys Jordan, Portland, 1927
    Turner case jury foreman Gladys Jordan, Portland, 1927
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
    Date: 1927-02-09
    Location: Portland
    Media: glass plate negative
  8. Item 149799
    James P. Kelley posing in handcuffs, Portland, 1927
    James P. Kelley posing in handcuffs, Portland, 1927
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
    Date: 1927
    Location: Portland
    Media: Glass Negative
  9. Item 149897
    John L. Lewis in police custody, Portland, 1927
    John L. Lewis in police custody, Portland, 1927
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
    Date: 1927-10-31
    Location: Portland
    Media: Glass Negative
  10. Item 149898
    John L. Lewis with two police officers, Portland, 1927
    John L. Lewis with two police officers, Portland, 1927
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
    Date: 1927-10-31
    Location: Portland
    Media: Glass Negative
  11. Item 149968
    Lieutenant Henry Fortune holding Turner murder weapon, Portland, 1927
    Lieutenant Henry Fortune holding Turner murder weapon, Portland, 1927
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
    Date: 1926
    Location: Portland
    Media: Glass negative
  12. Item 149971
    Murder suspect Norman Mawson posing outside of jail cell, Farmington, 1922
    Murder suspect Norman Mawson posing outside of jail cell, Farmington, 1922
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
    Date: 1922
    Location: Farmington
    Media: Glass negative
  13. Item 152241
    Stop Thief!, Bridgton, ca. 1896
    Stop Thief!, Bridgton, ca. 1896
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: circa 1896
    Location: Bridgton
    Media: Ink on paper
  14. Item 152422
    Toothaker's garage, scene of Bean murder, Oquossoc, 1922
    Toothaker's garage, scene of Bean murder, Oquossoc, 1922
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
    Date: 1922-10-12
    Location: Oquossoc
    Media: Glass negative
  15. Item 152427
    Rear entrance of Franklin County Jail, Farmington, 1922
    Rear entrance of Franklin County Jail, Farmington, 1922
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
    Date: 1922-10-12
    Location: Oquossoc
    Media: Glass negative
  16. Item 149970
    Murder suspect Norman Mawson, Farmington, 1922
    Murder suspect Norman Mawson, Farmington, 1922
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
    Date: 1922-10-12
    Location: Farmington
    Media: Glass negative
  17. Item 6318
    Maine State Prison barber, Thomaston, ca. 1900
    Maine State Prison barber, Thomaston, ca. 1900
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: circa 1900
    Location: Thomaston
    Media: Stereograph
  18. Item 6778
    Clarence Darrow, William Pattangal, and Mr. Grey, Portland, 1927
    Clarence Darrow, William Pattangal, and Mr. Grey, Portland, 1927
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
    Date: 1927
    Media: Glass Negative
  19. Item 9758
    Lawyer Fred J. Allen and partner Belle Leavitt, ca. 1905
    Lawyer Fred J. Allen and partner Belle Leavitt, ca. 1905
    Contributed by: Sanford-Springvale Historical Society
    Date: circa 1905
    Location: Sanford
    Media: Print from glass negative
  20. Item 14318
    Don A. H. Powers, Houlton, ca. 1900
    Don A. H. Powers, Houlton, ca. 1900
    Contributed by: Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum
    Date: circa 1900
    Location: Houlton
    Media: Photographic print
  21. Item 14666
    Samuel J. Anderson, Portland, ca. 1890
    Samuel J. Anderson, Portland, ca. 1890
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: circa 1890
    Location: Portland
    Media: Photographic print
  22. Item 26125
    Exterior, Maine State Prison, Thomaston, ca. 1915
    Exterior, Maine State Prison, Thomaston, ca. 1915
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: circa 1915
    Location: Thomaston
    Media: Postcard
  23. Item 26127
    Corridor, Maine State Prison, Thomaston, ca. 1915
    Corridor, Maine State Prison, Thomaston, ca. 1915
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: circa 1915
    Location: Thomaston
    Media: Postcard
  24. Item 26128
    Kitchen, Maine State Prison, Thomaston, ca. 1915
    Kitchen, Maine State Prison, Thomaston, ca. 1915
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: circa 1915
    Location: Thomaston
    Media: Postcard