Item 8094 - Thatchers Island Light, Massachusetts, ca. 1861

Item 8094 - Thatchers Island Light, Massachusetts, ca. 1861
Contributed by Maine Historical Society
Item 8094
Thatchers Island Light, Massachusetts, ca. 1861
4446px x 3230px - 14.8"w x 10.8"h @ 300dpi  |  Need a larger size?
*Credit line must read: Collections of Maine Historical Society
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Thatchers Island Lighthouse in Massachusetts, officially known as the Cape Ann Lighthouse Station, has two lighthouses, both built in 1861 with parts supplied by the Portland Company.

The keeper's quarters were built in 1816 of brick. The lighthouse station was established in 1771, with one of the lights in continuous operation since 1861. The other was decommissioned for a number of years.

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