Item 78886 - Monson-Maine Company, Monson, 1924

Item 78886 - Monson-Maine Company, Monson, 1924
Contributed by Monson Historical Society
Item 78886
Monson-Maine Company, Monson, 1924
3066px x 4857px - 10.2"w x 16.2"h @ 300dpi  |  Need a larger size?
*Credit line must read: Collections of Monson Historical Society
Image Info

This photograph postcard is of the Monson-Maine Quarry during the mid 1920s. It shows the depth and layers of slate on the sheer walls of the quarry. Located on the top edge of the pit are the hoister house and storage/breakroom building that was used by the quarry employees.

As of 2012, there are still several open pits such as this throughout the Monson area, which have become partially filled with water over the years. Two of these open pits, including the one in this photograph, are now surrounded by a fence but the remainder are not protected.

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