Item 78760 - Slate Quarry Hoist, Monson, ca. 1900
- Item 78760 - Slate Quarry Hoist, Monson, ca. 1900
- Contributed by Monson Historical Society
- Item 78760
- 4491px x 2929px - 15.0"w x 9.8"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Monson Historical Society
Image Info The Portland- Monson Slate Quarry was opened in 1906. This picture shows the hoist used to lift the large pieces of slate quarried from the mine to the surface, it was also used to transport the men up and down into the quarry.
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The small building on the right held the machinery for running these cranes, called hoists. On the left of the photo are shown slate pieces the have been brought up from the pit.
This image is labeled "Portland-Monson Slate Quarry Monson, ME #51" and is from a series of photographs taken which document the mine and work associated with the mine around the turn of the century.