Item 71152 - Bird's eye view, Vinalhaven, 1893

Item 71152 - Bird's eye view, Vinalhaven, 1893
Contributed by Boston Public Library
Item 71152
Bird's eye view, Vinalhaven, 1893
7696px x 6392px - 25.7"w x 21.3"h @ 300dpi  |  Need a larger size?
*Credit line must read: Collections of Boston Public Library
Image Info

Bird's eye view of Vinalhaven published in 1893. The view shows various places of interest on the island. Indexed at the bottom are businesses and public buildings such as quarries, stores, the school and town hall.

Vinalhaven is a town located in the Fox Islands. It is home to a thriving lobster fishery and hosts a summer colony. As of 2012, since there is no bridge to the island, Vinalhaven is accessible from Rockland via a ferry ride across West Penobscot Bay, or by air taxi from Knox County Regional Airport.

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