Item 64429 - Reverend Zenon Decary, Biddeford, ca. 1940
- Item 64429 - Reverend Zenon Decary, Biddeford, ca. 1940
- Contributed by Biddeford Historical Society
- Item 64429
- 2466px x 5082px - 8.2"w x 16.9"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Biddeford Historical Society
Image Info The Rev. father Zenon Decary (brother of Rev. Arthur Decary) was well known for performing miracles. The original photo you see here was used to produce other photos with a piece of his habit attached to the photo with a short prayer.
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Zenon would visit sick and injured people and pray alongside of them until they were healed. He once prayed for a child by the name of Roland Martin by going to the boy's home and saying a prayer on each step of the second floor to help heal the boy who had been scalded by a hot pan of boiling water. His scalp had melted over his eyes and he had became blind. With the many weeks of his prayers the boy Martin regained his eyesight and in latter years Martin served in the U.S. Army. One of the many miracles of Father Zenon.
Zenon Decary was born June 15, 1870 at St. Laurent close to Montreal. He was ordained as a priest at Montreal on September 29, 1894, and went on to work in Westbrook and at St. Andre's in Biddeford.