Item 62075 - Floodwaters at the Waterville and Winslow railroad bridge, 1936
- Item 62075 - Floodwaters at the Waterville and Winslow railroad bridge, 1936
- Contributed by Waterville Public Library
- Item 62075
- 4950px x 3131px - 16.5"w x 10.4"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Waterville Public Library
Image Info The Kennebec River flowed close beneath the railroad bridge between Waterville and Winslow during the March, 1936 flood. Unlike other bridges in the area and around New England, the bridge survived the flood intact. In the background of the photo is Waterville with Main Street and Front Street buildings visible to the left of the bridge and the Head of Falls neighborhood visible through the middle section of the bridge. The photographer was standing on another bridge connecting Waterville and Winslow, which later washed out due to the flooding and impact of the ice on the structure.
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