Item 60067 - Riverton Park, Portland, ca. 1918
- Item 60067 - Riverton Park, Portland, ca. 1918
- Contributed by Seashore Trolley Museum
- Item 60067
- 4500px x 3217px - 15.0"w x 10.7"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Seashore Trolley Museum
Image Info The dining room in the casino at Riverton Park in Portland has board games set out at the tables.
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The park was developed by the Portland Railroad Company in 1896 as a day-trip destination via trolley car. From a brochure published by the Portland Railroad Company in 1897: "The Casino is handsomely furnished and finished, not the least among its attractions being the pretty dining hall where an efficient corps of attendants serve tempting viands in answer to the promptings and desires of the inner man. The fizz of the soda fountain is also heard, while for the sweet tooth there is an excellent assortment of the finest creations in the confectionery line."
Notice the variety of people: men, women, older people, and children. Some of the men appear to be soldiers in uniform and two of the women are wearing armbands (one black, one white). Also notice the victrola in the background and the woman holding a knitting project.