Item 5956 - Estate of William Skinner, Topsham, 1766

Item 5956 - Estate of William Skinner, Topsham, 1766
Contributed by Maine Historical Society
Item 5956
Estate of William Skinner, Topsham, 1766
5244px x 3302px - 17.5"w x 11.0"h @ 300dpi  |  Need a larger size?
*Credit line must read: Collections of Maine Historical Society
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"This plan contains 125 acres of land and meadow laid out for the estate of William Skiner" land which was part of the Pejepscot Purchase Company's land grant. Scale [1:7920]40 poles to one inch. William Skinner and his wife Lydia became major owners in the Pejepscot Company through inheritance. Lydia's father, John Watts, was one of the original Pejepscot Proprietors.

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