Item 52647 - Grange Cottage after burning down, Fairfield, 1987
- Item 52647 - Grange Cottage after burning down, Fairfield, 1987
- Contributed by L.C. Bates Museum / Good Will-Hinckley Homes
- Item 52647
- 5183px x 3582px - 17.3"w x 11.9"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of L.C. Bates Museum / Good Will-Hinckley Homes
Image Info Grange Cottage was originally built in 1897, however it has had the misfortune to burn down twice, once in 1912 and once in 1987. This photograph is of the aftermath of the second Grange Cottage fire. This cottage was originally built, furnished and decorated thanks to many local Grange associations and is today supported by Maine State Granges.
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