Item 52094 - Train crossing Martin Stream, Fairfield, 1917
- Item 52094 - Train crossing Martin Stream, Fairfield, 1917
- Contributed by L.C. Bates Museum / Good Will-Hinckley Homes
- Item 52094
- 4887px x 3387px - 16.3"w x 11.3"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of L.C. Bates Museum / Good Will-Hinckley Homes
Image Info A steam locomotive crossing the railroad bridge over Martin Stream in Hinckley during June 1917. Although this stream appears as "Martin" on maps, George W. Hinckley, the founder of Good Will-Hinckley, once saw a marten on the stream's bank, earning it the local name of "Marten Stream."
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