Item 37384 - Front page of World War II Award, Lubec, 1944, 1944
- Item 37384 - Front page of World War II Award, Lubec, 1944, 1944
- Contributed by Lubec Historical Society
- Item 37384
- 3139px x 4560px - 10.5"w x 15.2"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Lubec Historical Society
Image Info War Food Administration Award to the R.J. Peacock Canning Company employees for "your outstanding contribution to the war food program."
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A letter inside this 4-page pamphlet, dated September 9, 1944, reads,
“To the Men and Women of the Lubec, Union and Eastport Plants R.J. Peacock Canning Co. Lubec, Maine ”It is a pleasure to inform you that the War Food Administration Achievement ‘A’ Award is conferred upon you for your outstanding contribution to the war food program.
“The award consists of a flag to be flown over your plant, and entitles you to wear the Achievement ‘A’ Award lapel pin. Both are symbolic of your spirit of patriotic service and the individual responsibility you have each assumed toward the cause of human liberty. Donated by Owen Taylor.
“You have set a high record for production, which is an inspiration to others and one of which you may be justly proud.” It is signed by Lou Marshall, Director.
The pamphlet includes an undated “Program of Presentation” listing an Invocation by Rev. Judson R. Jones, Pastor of the Lubec Congregational Christian Church, greetings by the master of ceremonies Charles E Bodman, Assistant Manager of the Lubec branch of the Bar Harbor Banking & Trust Co., and raising of the “A” flag with the color guard from American Legion, Stewart Green Post 65 of Lubec. Acceptance of the award was by Carroll B. Peacock, President of the R.J. Peacock Canning Co., and an acceptance on behalf of employees by Marshall Washburn.