Item 34122 - Event on Church Street, Lubec, ca. 1908
- Item 34122 - Event on Church Street, Lubec, ca. 1908
- Contributed by Lubec Historical Society
- Item 34122
- 4830px x 2964px - 16.1"w x 9.9"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Lubec Historical Society
Image Info This undetermined event can be dated by the two flags, which appear to display 46 stars. The 46 star flag was authorized on July 4, 1908. The 48-star flag came into use on July 4, 1912, and this event is clearly is not 1911, when Lubec celebrated its Centennial with a town-wide profusion of bunting.
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The uniforms worn remain unidentified, close scrutiny shows only one word legible on the banner held high, “Commander.” Jacob Clark Pike built the house at 2 Church Street, directly across the unpaved road from the Congregational Church. In the distance may be seen the George McCurdy house on Main Street; both of these houses remain occupied as of 2010.