Item 33635 - Ernestine Gagne and grandchildren, Lewiston, ca. 1972
- Item 33635 - Ernestine Gagne and grandchildren, Lewiston, ca. 1972
- Contributed by Franco-American Collection, University of Southern Maine Libraries
- Item 33635
- 4316px x 3483px - 14.4"w x 11.6"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Franco-American Collection, University of Southern Maine Libraries
Image Info Ernestine Gagné, widow of Louis-Philippe Gagné (1901-1964), Linda St. Pierre, her granddaughter; and Louis Philippe Gagné III, her grandson, examine a snowshoe club jacket.
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They jacket belonged to the late Louis-Philippe Gagné, who started LeMontagnard Snowshoe Club in 1924, two years after coming to Maine from Quebéc.
He also promoted the formation of other snowshoe clubs in Lewiston-Auburn and throughout the northeast.