Item 28735 - Lawrence Brothers store, Lubec, ca. 1906
- Item 28735 - Lawrence Brothers store, Lubec, ca. 1906
- Contributed by Lubec Historical Society
- Item 28735
- 4010px x 3571px - 13.4"w x 11.9"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Lubec Historical Society
Image Info The Lawrence Brothers Store on North Lubec Road. Built in 1898 according to the Lubec "Herald Magazine Supplement" for December, 1899, which wrote that the store was "filled with the latest assortment of goods..." and "during the busy season, their large business requires the services of six and eight clerks." Signs above doors read, left to right, DRY GOODS, OFFICE, GROCERIES. The grocery store window includes a crude hand-lettered sign reading, “Boston Premier Tea A ? with each package.” Note utility poles, fire hydrant, and group of boys sitting on porch wearing caps. This building still stands as of 2009.
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