Item 27779 - Columbian Canning Company and Employees, Lubec, ca. 1912
- Item 27779 - Columbian Canning Company and Employees, Lubec, ca. 1912
- Contributed by Lubec Historical Society
- Item 27779
- 4250px x 3284px - 14.2"w x 10.9"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Lubec Historical Society
Image Info At one time the Columbian Canning Company employed several hundred workers, including many women and children. Back of photo bears handwritten note reading: "L to R 1. Geo Parker 2. Zenas Fleet 3. Fred Vining 4. Geo Ryan 5. John _iber 6. Jack Gibson? 7. Harvey Adams 8. Geo Young? 9. Thornton Grafts? 10. Raymond Rosamond Kingsley 11. Hughy Mooney 12. Bertha Dennison 13. Mary Joy 14. Columbia Packing Co"
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On July 26, 2013, Helen Raine wrote, "I have the same photo that once belonged to Milford Robbins, my uncle. His notes on the people are, L-R: 1. Clyde Parker, 2. Charlie Tinker, 5. Adams or Elezer Tinker, 7. Wash Rierson, 9. Eddie Tinker, 13. Addie Rierson, 14. George Rierson."