Item 27646 - Civil War Monument, Lubec, ca. 1908
- Item 27646 - Civil War Monument, Lubec, ca. 1908
- Contributed by Lubec Historical Society
- Item 27646
- 3063px x 4660px - 10.2"w x 15.5"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Lubec Historical Society
Image Info In 1904 Bion Moses Pike, Lubec entrepreneur, donated Monument Lot to the Town of Lubec, erecting this monument.
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Located at the corner of Main and Pleasant Streets, the statue on top faces north. The eagle decor was used only briefly. The standard for the statue bears names of battle engagements: Antietam, Appomattox, Fort Fisher, Gettysburg, New Orleans, Petersburg, and Rappahonnock Station.
The legend on the north side of the pedestal reads, "1904 Lubec To her loyal sons who on land and water imperiled their lives for the union 1861 1865."
On the west side, "On fame's eternal camping ground/Their silent tents are spread/And glory guards with solemn bound/The bivouac of the dead." On the east side "Wm. H. Brown Post No. 138 G. A. R."
In 1911, the Lubec Centennial Marker was added to Monument Lot, and subsequently the Lubec Veterans Honor Roll bearing names of the fallen
The building rear left was the Knights of Pythias Hall. The building rear right housed town firefighting equipment for many years.