Item 26637 - Burgess and O'Brien Store, Thomaston, ca. 1860
- Item 26637 - Burgess and O'Brien Store, Thomaston, ca. 1860
- Contributed by Thomaston Historical Society
- Item 26637
- 4650px x 3018px - 15.5"w x 10.1"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Thomaston Historical Society
Image Info This building on Wadsworth Street was a store from about 1790 until 1970. Over a period of 160 years, it served as a store for General Knox, Ballard and Green, Foster, Boynton and Miller (1833-1846), Merrill, Burgess and O'Brien (1857-1864) and Dunn and Elliot (1864-1970).
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Situated at the foot of Wadsworth Street, just prior to the George's River bridge, it was near the site of the original trading post built in 1630. The building no longer stands.