Item 23952 - Bass Harbor Head Light, ca. 1950
- Item 23952 - Bass Harbor Head Light, ca. 1950
- Contributed by Jesup Memorial Library
- Item 23952
- 1660px x 1058px - 5.5"w x 3.5"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Jesup Memorial Library
Image Info The Bass Harbor Head Light is located in Bass Harbor. The station was established in 1858. The current tower (32 feet tall, 56 foot high focal plane) was built in 1858. The original optic was a 5th-order Fresnel, but now is 4th-order Fresnel. The lighthouse occults red 4 seconds (3 red, 1 darkness). The lighthouse is an active aid to U. S. Coast Guard navigation.
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The lighthouse (1858), keeper's house (1858), oil house (1902), and barn (1905) are still standing.
Photo by A. D. Phillips