Item 23698 - C.H. Randall with white deer, Greenville, ca. 1900
- Item 23698 - C.H. Randall with white deer, Greenville, ca. 1900
- Contributed by Maine Historical Society
- Item 23698
- 3803px x 3054px - 12.7"w x 10.2"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Maine Historical Society
Image Info Hunter C.H. Randall shot a rare white deer at the West Branch Ponds, which he had taxidermied.
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White and brown animals like this deer are not albino, but rather "piebald" or "pied", meaning it they have a pattern of pigmented spots on an unpigmented (white) background of hair, feathers, or scales.