Item 19360 - Home of John C. and Marianna Madigan, Houlton, ca. 1895
- Item 19360 - Home of John C. and Marianna Madigan, Houlton, ca. 1895
- Contributed by Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum
- Item 19360
- 4452px x 3063px - 14.8"w x 10.2"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum
Image Info In 1912 Albert W. Madigan bequethed the family home on Military Street to establish a hospital in the memory of his parents. ("The Story of Houlton," Cora M. Putnam, House of Falmouth, Inc., 1958.)
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This image is contained in the nine volume published collection of photographs titled, "Art Work of Aroostook County, Maine," v. 9, W. H. Parish Publishing Co., Chicago, 1895. A complete set of volumes is owned by the Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum, Houlton.