Item 151988 - Miss Burleigh with two of her pets, Peggy and Sam, Vassalboro, 1922

Item 151988 - Miss Burleigh with two of her pets, Peggy and Sam, Vassalboro, 1922
Contributed by Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
Item 151988
Miss Burleigh with two of her pets, Peggy and Sam, Vassalboro, 1922
4608px x 3285px - 15.4"w x 10.9"h @ 300dpi  |  Need a larger size?
*Credit line must read: Collections of Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
Image Info

This photo of Miss Nettie C. Burleigh, alongside her horse, Peggy, and her dog, Sam, appeared in a photo collage in the Monday, July 24, 1923, edition of the Portland Evening Express & Advertiser. The collage accompanied a lengthy article titled “Maine Likely to Have One Woman in Legislature Next Year.”

In the article, the Evening Express published a letter Miss Burleigh wrote to the voters, announcing her candidacy for the Maine Legislature as a Republican representing Vassalboro and Winslow. The paper also provided detailed information about Burleigh, including her work on the farm, her education at Mt. Holyoke, and her various political positions.

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