Item 1304 - The Gibsons, Isleboro, 1937

Item 1304 - The Gibsons, Isleboro, 1937
Contributed by Maine Historical Society
Item 1304
The Gibsons, Isleboro, 1937
3259px x 4539px - 10.9"w x 15.1"h @ 300dpi  |  Need a larger size?
*Credit line must read: Collections of Maine Historical Society
Image Info

Pose struck by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dana Gibson during their interview with Emmie Bailey Whitney, an editor of the Lewiston Journal Saturday Magazine, and her husband, accomplished amateur photographer G. Herbert Whitney, July 26, 1937, Islesboro.

Gibson was a famous illustrator, known especially for his idealized American woman, the Gibson girl.

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