Item 12936 - Plan for the house of worship, Pownalborough, 1760
- Item 12936 - Plan for the house of worship, Pownalborough, 1760
- Contributed by Maine Historical Society
- Item 12936
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- *Credit line must read: Collections of Maine Historical Society
Image Info Manuscript map #80 entitled, "This is a plan of...about 10 acres for the house of publick worship...Lot 69 and also to hold the county courts...Pownalborough, December 12, 1763."
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Both Samuel Goodwin and Jonas Jones' names appear as contributors to the creation of this map.
Pownalborough is now known as Dresden.
The map shows a drawing of the Pownalborough Courthouse, built in 1761, although it misrepresents the placement of the chimneys relative to the hip roof and incorrectly depicts the window over the entry door.
The map also shows the Kennebec River and landowners' numbered lots commissioned by the Plymouth Company.