Item 12631 - Five farm lots, Bowdoinham, 1718

Item 12631 - Five farm lots, Bowdoinham, 1718
Contributed by Maine Historical Society
Item 12631
Five farm lots, Bowdoinham, 1718
9077px x 7149px - 30.3"w x 23.8"h @ 300dpi  |  Need a larger size?
*Credit line must read: Collections of Maine Historical Society
Image Info

Manuscript map #53a showing five farm lots laid out in the area of Bowdoinham, 1718. This map was created for the Proprietors of the Township of Brunswick, an early land settlement company.

The land depicted in this map is bordered by Bowdoinham on all sides, except the south and southeast where it is bordered by Merrymeeting Bay and Brunswick, respectively.

The part of the map labeled "Part of Topsham" is now Bowdoinham.

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