Item 12126 - Kennebec and Sagadahoc Rivers, 1755
- Item 12126 - Kennebec and Sagadahoc Rivers, 1755
- Contributed by Maine Historical Society
- Item 12126
- 4395px x 5374px - 14.7"w x 17.9"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Maine Historical Society
Image Info The map is entitled, "A plan of Kennebek & Sagadahok Rivers, with the adjacent coasts: taken from actual surveys and dedicated to his Excellency William Shirley, Esq. Governor of Massachusetts Bay Prov: in New England by Thomas Johnston, 1754 to which is added a draught of the River LaChaudiere by a French Deserter the same year."
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The map is part of the Plymouth Company's papers and is considered the 3rd of the Johnston Maps, London, 1755.
This item is part of a larger archival collection (Coll. 60,) which is completely digitized. To search the entire collection visit our Beyond Borders search page
To learn more about the Plymouth Company or about the Maine Historical Society's Beyond Borders project visit our project website