Item 116366 - Elizabeth Ricker reading to Togo, Poland Spring, 1928

Item 116366 - Elizabeth Ricker reading to Togo, Poland Spring, 1928
Contributed by Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
Item 116366
Elizabeth Ricker reading to Togo, Poland Spring, 1928
3472px x 4456px - 11.6"w x 14.9"h @ 300dpi  |  Need a larger size?
*Credit line must read: Collections of Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
Image Info

In 1928, Elizabeth P. Ricker authored "Togo's Fireside Reflections," a book about a prize-winning sled dog from Alaska named Togo, who was a vital part of his handler Leonhard Seppala's sled team. The team and their lead dog, Togo, were crucial in delivering much-needed medicine to Nome, Alaska, during a 1925 diphtheria outbreak.

Starting in 1926, the Poland Spring Resort hosted dog-sled competitions in which Seppala's team participated. Seppala and the Rickers also established a kennel at Poland Spring to breed sled dogs.

Here, Elizabeth Ricker reads her book to the famous dog himself during a 1928 visit. The Portland Press Herald published this photograph and article on May 12, 1928.

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