Item 11460 - Houlton High School cross country team, 1932
- Item 11460 - Houlton High School cross country team, 1932
- Contributed by Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum
- Item 11460
- 4462px x 3214px - 14.9"w x 10.7"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum
Image Info The 1932 cross country team was the only national championship team Houlton has had.
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The team won the National Championship in Newark, New Jersey, on Thanksgiving Day 1932.
The team took only five of the seven members because of lack of money and traveled down in the coach's old Ford.
The race was run in an unseasonable snow fall.
At the start of the race a competitor stepped on Fred Murphy's shoe and he completed the race wearing only one shoe.