Item 104939 - Superior Court Jury in Benjamin H. Turner Murder Case, Portland, 1927
- Item 104939 - Superior Court Jury in Benjamin H. Turner Murder Case, Portland, 1927
- Contributed by Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
- Item 104939
- 4440px x 3441px - 14.8"w x 11.5"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
Image Info In September 1926, Benjamin Turner from Iowa traveled to Portland with the sole purpose of killing James Hallen, who allegedly conned Turner out of money in Mexico City. Outside Hallen's house, they exchanged words before Turner fatally shot him with a revolver.
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When neighbors rushed to aid Mrs. Hallen, Turner neither fled nor resisted. He stated there was no need to detain him; he wanted to be caught. Turner's trial began in February 1927. While awaiting trial, he was committed to the State Hospital in Augusta for observation.
Pictured in this photograph is the jury from the Turner trial, from back row left to right: Mrs. Beulah Skinner, jury officer; Mrs. Emma Haskell, Windham; Henry M. Hutchins, Westbrook; George W. Craigie, Westbrook; Manley McFarland, South Portland; Leland S. Buck, Harrison; Fred L. Haskell, Windham.