Item 102524 - The Boynton Homestead, Kingfield, ca. 1910
- Item 102524 - The Boynton Homestead, Kingfield, ca. 1910
- Contributed by Stanley Museum on deposit at Maine Historical Society
- Item 102524
- 4390px x 3223px - 14.6"w x 10.7"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Stanley Museum on deposit at Maine Historical Society
Image Info Portraits of individuals and families in front of their homes are a frequent subject of photographer Chansonetta Stanley Emmons, who was born in Kingfield in 1858 and learned photography from her older brothers of "Stanley Steamer" fame. This is likely the Boynton family homestead.
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According to historian Marius B. Péladeau, Mr. Boyton was "Well known for his home delivery of 'Separated Milk' (today's skim milk).