Item 102516 - Uncle Tristam at the well, Kingfield, ca. 1900
- Item 102516 - Uncle Tristam at the well, Kingfield, ca. 1900
- Contributed by Stanley Museum on deposit at Maine Historical Society
- Item 102516
- 4459px x 3370px - 14.9"w x 11.2"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Stanley Museum on deposit at Maine Historical Society
Image Info The process of creating photographs with a bulky camera, natural light, glass plates, and slow emulsion speeds required careful planning. Photographer Chansonetta Stanley Emmons from Kingfield posed her subjects as if they were unaware of her presence, but these photographs are the result of hours of preparation.
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Two images of Tristam Norton (1811-1908) including the original black and white glass negative and the hand-colored glass lantern slide demonstrate the vast difference color has on the subject, approximating a painterly effect.
By 1920, Chansonetta Emmond developed the slideshow of 103 glass lantern slides hand tinted with color by her and daughter Dorothy Stanley Emmons. Chansonetta ran the projector, and Dorothy narrated. These “Magic Lantern” shows were popular forms of visual entertainment before moving pictures became more widespread.