Item 102019 - Saco and Pettee machine shops Counting House, Biddeford, ca. 1910
- Item 102019 - Saco and Pettee machine shops Counting House, Biddeford, ca. 1910
- Contributed by McArthur Public Library
- Item 102019
- 4715px x 2982px - 15.7"w x 9.9"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of McArthur Public Library
Image Info The Saco Water Power Company built the Counting House on Smith Street at Pearl Street in Biddeford in 1843. The low building on the right was the Saco and Pettee "southwest wing" and was built in 1905. The building to the left was part of the foundry buildings operated by the machine shops.
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This company, in it's several iterations, built textile manufacturing machinery for the entire time that textiles were produced in Biddeford and Saco; it operated as the Saco and Pettee Machine Shops from 1897-1912.