Item 101110 - Boy at Bangor post Civil War parade, 1865
- Item 101110 - Boy at Bangor post Civil War parade, 1865
- Contributed by Maine Historical Society and Maine State Museum
- Item 101110
- 2682px x 5676px - 8.9"w x 18.9"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Maine Historical Society and Maine State Museum
Image Info John Martin (1823-1904), a Bangor accountant and shopkeeper, wrote about a parade in Bangor on July 4, 1865 that celebrated the end of the Civil War. As part of his description he drew illustrations of two schoolboys to show the outfits they wore in the parade.
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This boy is one of the age 11-14 group who "were uniformed in Zouave, red, picken red caps, white waists, red cambrick pants white cotton stockings lace up kip boots." He added that the boys had been drilled several days before marching in the parade.
Martin's descriptions and illustrations are on page 105 of his "Scrap & Sketch Book" that he began in 1864, and which is one of 5 journals and scrapbooks he wrote reflecting on his life and experiences and commenting on current activities.