Item 100958 - Plan of Alden Merry's house, Brownville Junction, 1893

Item 100958 - Plan of Alden Merry's house, Brownville Junction, 1893
Contributed by Maine Historical Society and Maine State Museum
Item 100958
Plan of Alden Merry's house, Brownville Junction, 1893
4296px x 3664px - 14.3"w x 12.2"h @ 300dpi  |  Need a larger size?
*Credit line must read: Collections of Maine Historical Society and Maine State Museum
Image Info

John Martin (1823-1904), an account and architecture enthusiast, called this house "the most & best house I ever see for $1000."

The house belonged to Alden Merry and was built in 1891 in Brownville Junction. Martin was working as an accountant at Katahdin Iron Works, about 10 miles away.

Martin frequently made detailed illustrations of houses and other buildings in and around Bangor where he lived. This illustration is on page 127 of a "scrapbook" he wrote and illustrated starting in 1888.

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