Item 100922 - Rufus Prince residence, Bangor, 1850
- Item 100922 - Rufus Prince residence, Bangor, 1850
- Contributed by Maine Historical Society and Maine State Museum
- Item 100922
- 5281px x 2948px - 17.6"w x 9.8"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Maine Historical Society and Maine State Museum
Image Info John Martin (1823-1904) of Bangor made this drawing of Rufus Prince's brick house in Bangor where Martin and his wife, Clara Cary, began their married life.
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Martin, an accountant and shopkeeper who worked for Prince for some time, wrote, "In order to start my married life
and give my children a thorough history I propose to give an outline of Rufus Prince's brick dwelling on the next page although it is a very difficult building to show as the front & face is east & north and the portion ocupied & used south & west I shall have to leave off the representations of two jogs one where the L joins the maine house the other when the shed joins the stable."
Martin made the drawing on July 7, 1864 as part of his Journal he wrote recollecting his life's experiences. The illustration is on page 341.
The house and brick tenements and brick store were built in 1832-1833. The house was at 176 Center Street.