Item 100295 - Free Will Baptist Society of Saco and Biddeford pew subscriptions, 1839
- Item 100295 - Free Will Baptist Society of Saco and Biddeford pew subscriptions, 1839
- Contributed by McArthur Public Library
- Item 100295
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Image Info This document details pew subscriptions sold by the Free Will Baptist Society of Saco and Biddeford to raise money for a meetinghouse. The meeting took place May 8, 1839 at Mozart Hall, which was located on Storer Street in Saco.
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There were 26 subscribers (18 men and 8 women) who purchased a total of 25 1/4 pews, which would have raised about $640 dollars towards their goal.
This meetinghouse was built on Storer Street in 1840 and existed until a new church was built on Cutts Street in 1882. Forty-two years later, in 1924, the Free Will Baptists merged with the Main Street Baptist congregation to form Saco's United Baptist Church.
This document comes from the papers of Elijah Smith, the second subscriber on the list, who was a deacon of the church as well as treasurer for some time.