Item 100111 - Baptist Church, Rockland, ca. 1875
- Item 100111 - Baptist Church, Rockland, ca. 1875
- Contributed by Rockland Historical Society
- Item 100111
- 2159px x 2362px - 7.2"w x 7.9"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Rockland Historical Society
Image Info This view is looking north down the west side of Main Street in Rockland. In the foreground is the H.N. Keene Boots and Shoe Store with a customer about to enter. The shoe store is on the corner of Lindsey Street with a Livery Stable sign in the front yard of the Lindsey House Hotel. The main feature of this view is the white, frame Baptist Church with its tall steeple. Just beyond the Baptist Church is the shingled Congregational Church which also has a white steeple.
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