Item 99396 - Ruins of Deering and Son's Lumber Company, Biddeford, 1913
- Item 99396 - Ruins of Deering and Son's Lumber Company, Biddeford, 1913
- Contributed by McArthur Public Library
- Item 99396
- 4615px x 3342px - 15.4"w x 11.1"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of McArthur Public Library
Image Info This image captures the destruction to the 150 foot mill owned by Deering and Sons on February 8th, 1913. Two Walnut Street residents discovered the fire in the planing mill at 11:10 pm. Snow and driving wind protected the colonial Lafayette House that was used at the offices for the company. Owner Frank C. Deering commented that the fire was likely the work of an arsonist that had been trying to set fire to his mill for the past month.
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