Item 98688 - Four-masted schooner Constellation near East Boothbay, ca. 1932
- Item 98688 - Four-masted schooner Constellation near East Boothbay, ca. 1932
- Contributed by Boothbay Region Historical Society
- Item 98688
- 2565px x 1933px - 8.6"w x 6.4"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Boothbay Region Historical Society
Image Info The four-masted schooner Sally Persis Noyes was built by the Frye Flinn Company of Harrington in 1918. The ship was initially operated by the Crowell & Thurlow Company and laid up during the great Depression.
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In 1932, it was purchased and refitted by Robert L. Royall of East Boothbay for use as a school ship under the name Constellation. During WW II, the ship was sailing under the American Intercontinental Steamship Company and sank in Bermuda in 1943.