Item 9485 - Squirrel Island Gathering, ca. 1905
- Item 9485 - Squirrel Island Gathering, ca. 1905
- Contributed by Stanley Museum
- Item 9485
- 4710px x 3042px - 15.7"w x 10.1"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Stanley Museum
Image Info A large crowd gathers on Squirrel Island for the annual Fete Week Field Day celebrations held in late August.
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A two-masted schooner can be seen sailing into Boothbay Harbor.
On a flagpole from the building in the rear flies a 45-star flag (dating from the decade of 1898-1908).
At right is the Squirrel Island Chapel, built in 1879 and still in use.