Item 82150 - Sebago Lake Water Transmission Line 1912, ca. 1911
- Item 82150 - Sebago Lake Water Transmission Line 1912, ca. 1911
- Contributed by Portland Water District
- Item 82150
- 11264px x 16166px - 37.5"w x 53.9"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Portland Water District
Image Info When the Portland Water District acquired the Portland Water Company in 1908 one of its first priorities was to increase water supply to its customers. After consulting with engineer Allen Hazen from New York, the District decided to install a 42” cast iron transmission main to be constructed from Sebago Lake to Portland to better serve the areas of Portland, Deering, South Portland and Cape Elizabeth with the remaining customer base to be supplied by the present mains and reservoirs.
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The United States Cast Iron Pipe and Foundry Company of Philadelphia, PA, was awarded the contract for furnishing the cast iron pipe and specials. John C. Tierney of Hoboken, NJ, was awarded the contract for hauling and laying the cast iron pipe and fittings.
In this photograph (location unknown) the cast iron pipe has been placed in a trench. The next step would have been to lead and caulk the pipe sections before backfilling. The new transmission line was completed in 1912.