Item 82087 - 93 Main Street, Bridgton, ca. 1938
- Item 82087 - 93 Main Street, Bridgton, ca. 1938
- Contributed by Bridgton Historical Society
- Item 82087
- 4900px x 2932px - 16.3"w x 9.8"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Bridgton Historical Society
Image Info 94 Main Street, Bridgton.
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This is the tax record for a single family residence owned by Dr. Harry E. Friberg at the time of the survey, circa 1938. The card was updated at an unknown later date to reflect ownership by Edith and Richard ?, and then David Diller. The street address is also from the time of survey. The card references a deed dated 1931. This is not the date of the photograph.