Item 81446 - Monson Community Church, Monson, ca. 1970
- Item 81446 - Monson Community Church, Monson, ca. 1970
- Contributed by Monson Historical Society
- Item 81446
- 4252px x 3432px - 14.2"w x 11.4"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Monson Historical Society
Image Info The Monson Community Church is located on Main Street in Monson. The two buildings seen here were formally separate churches and congregations. The building in the forefront was the Congregational Church and the second building in the rear was the Baptist Church which was located on Pleasant Street.
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On June 26, 1957 it was voted by the remaining Baptist congregation to move the Baptist Church and physically join it to the Congregational Church. In May of 1958, a building fund campaign was launched to finance the joint venture. The church, minus the steeple, was placed on skids and on August 14, 1959 the Baptist church building began its relocation. Reverend Donald Blanchette was pastor at the time.