Item 81269 - St. Albans Village, Looking West, 1895
- Item 81269 - St. Albans Village, Looking West, 1895
- Contributed by St. Albans Historical Society
- Item 81269
- 4513px x 3141px - 15.0"w x 10.5"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of St. Albans Historical Society
Image Info The scene on the Corinna Road in St. Albans has changed since June of 1895. The first building on the left burned but the second building remains, as of 2013, as a store. This store in the late 1800s also housed Goodwin Post#32 of the Grand Old Army of the Republic. At the top of the hill on the left is the William M. Bigelow home sometimes referred to as the "Beehive." The town of St. Albans was incorporated June 14, 1813.
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