Item 81090 - Monson Grammer School & Monson Academy, Monson ca. 1890
- Item 81090 - Monson Grammer School & Monson Academy, Monson ca. 1890
- Contributed by Monson Historical Society
- Item 81090
- 4171px x 3330px - 13.9"w x 11.1"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Monson Historical Society
Image Info This photograph is of the first Monson Grammar School built in 1867 which was destroyed by fire March 31, 1899. Beside the old school is Monson Academy which was incorporated in 1847. It was also destroyed by the fire in March of 1860.
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The rebuilt Grammar School was relocated to the upper side of the Academy building and housed students until 1982, when it too was demolished and replaced by a modern building. The Academy closed in 1969 and the building was destroyed in 1984.