Item 79999 - Steamboat Governor Coburn Interior, Greenville, ca. 1870
- Item 79999 - Steamboat Governor Coburn Interior, Greenville, ca. 1870
- Contributed by Moosehead Historical Society
- Item 79999
- 4956px x 2918px - 16.5"w x 9.7"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Moosehead Historical Society
Image Info In her day the Steamboat Governor Coburn was a palatial craft of the double-decker type. She was built in 1869 and continued in service on Moosehead Lake for about 25 years, and with her passing went one of the most picturesque of the old order of lake boats.
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She was captained by Charles J. Robinson and her running time from Kineo to Greenville was about four hours.