Item 79417 - Building the Basin of the Reservoir at Mt. Zircon, Rumford, 1913
- Item 79417 - Building the Basin of the Reservoir at Mt. Zircon, Rumford, 1913
- Contributed by Greater Rumford Area Historical Society
- Item 79417
- 4466px x 3131px - 14.9"w x 10.4"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Greater Rumford Area Historical Society
Image Info This photograph shows the construction of the basin of the Mt. Zircon reservoir. The reservoir was constructed in just one year by manual laborers with very basic machinery and horses with wagons as transportation.
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James McGregor was responsible for hiring men and the teams of horses, and procuring supplies to build the concrete core and gatehouse. According to a draft contract, each laborer was to be paid $1.75 per day for a nine-hour day; a double team of horses and driver was to be paid $4.50 per day for a nine-hour day; the first foreman was to receive $4.00 per day for a nine-hour day; and other foremen were to receive $3.00 per day for a nine-hour day of work.