Item 78774 - Monson Maine Slate Company, Monson Pond crew, ca. 1880
- Item 78774 - Monson Maine Slate Company, Monson Pond crew, ca. 1880
- Contributed by Monson Historical Society
- Item 78774
- 4240px x 3317px - 14.1"w x 11.1"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Monson Historical Society
Image Info Depicted in this image are the Monson Maine Slate Company workers from the Monson Pond Quarry having the annual photo taken.
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The First man on the left has a drill, the third man from the left is holding the drill bits,the fourth man is splitting slate, and the fifth and sixth men were slate splitters who are making the slate roof tiles. The eighth man is also splitting the slate. The tools that the men were holding indicates which jobs they likely performed in the quarry.